beauty therapy for a better mind and body
My core Values
I believe in making a positive impact on you and leaving a positive legacy for our world. These guiding beliefs and principles mirror my business decisions and the products that I carry.
‘It’s estimated that the global beauty industry produces more than 120 million units of packaging each year, and packaging accounts for 70% of the industry’s waste.’ - Zerra&Co
The truth about the beauty industry is that it creates an unnecessary amount of plastic waste. I am continuously focusing on my carbon footprint and my ability to reduce my waste production in the salon.
Building a business around the mindset of inclusion and acceptance means that my stance on my personal convictions has to be strong. I cannot justify setting policies for myself and my clients if my personal convictions do not align to these same values.
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We select products that exclude parabens, phthalates, silicones, formaldehyde and other items on The Made Without list.
Not tested on animals. Packaging is eco conscious and properly disposed of for safety of wildlife.
Reducing beauty waste by choosing sustainable packaging, refillable containers, and saving hair clippings for environmental clean up. Utilizing reusable bowls and glasses to service you.
Providing a safe & welcoming space for all Humans. We enforce a zero tolerance policy for hate speech, Genderless pricing and service options, receiving gender inclusivity training.
Harvard Business Review
While everyone has different opinions on the finer points of clean beauty, there is one core theme that seems to run throughout, which is, as True Botanicals founder Hillary Peterson puts it, “I consider beauty products clean if every ingredient and sub ingredient in that product is proven safe for people and the planet." -Article by Jessica Shortall